奈 米 粉 體 材 料 實 驗 室
Surface decoration of semiconducting nanomaterials for selective gas sensing.
Water poisoning remains as a challenging issue for semiconducting metal oxide (SMO) chemiresistor gas-sensors.
Semiconducting heterostructure and morphological control for humidity-tolerable chemiresistor gas-sensors.
零維CuO修飾一維V2O5階層化奈米複合材之(a) SEM、(b) TEM微結構、(c)針對23 ppm濃度之H2S氣體的選擇性氣體感測;及(d)異質CuO/V2O5介面的能帶圖與電流於奈米線及其接點間的傳遞示意圖、(e)對23 ppm濃度H2S氣體之長效感測能力。
2. Functional nitride ceramics with Perovskite/anti-Perovskite structure and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for photoelectrochemical clean energy, photosensor, and selective removal of organic dyes in wastewater.
Typical TEM structure of the Mo/La-BTC MOFs at the selected fMo ratios of (a) 0 and (b) 0.5, respectively.
(a) The adsorption of MB dyes in water for the Mo/La-BTC MOFs under dark situations. The initial MB concentration is 5 x 10-6 M. (b) Dependence of the MB removal rate with fMo after the isothermal adsorption of 60 min.
Ref.: M.-H. Zhang, C.-Y. Lin, Z.-H. Jiang, and W. J. Tseng, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 316 (2022) 123562.
3.Chemical synthesis, surface modification of functional low-dimensional nano-colloids for photoelectrochemical clean energy, energy storage, and the adsorption and removal of organic dyes in wastewater treatment.
The “interior” provides:
i)Specific functionality (e.g., magnetic response, luminescence, etc.)
ii)Confined cavity size for tailored functionality
iii) Release thru the meso-channel
The “shell” provides:
i)Protection to the interior
ii)Enabling interaction thru tunable surface meso-structure
iii) Specific functionality (e.g., chemical, biological, PEC, sensing, etc.)
Ref.: W. J. Tseng, Y.-C. Chuang, and Y.-A. Chen, Adv. Powder Technol. 29 (2018) 664-671
Nitridation of the TiO2 to become TiO2-xNx shell for visible-light photocatalysis.